Collaboration with your partner, helpers and friends was added with version 2.1.0 of The Big Day app. Please ensure that you have the latest version installed and that your data has been migrated.

To redeem your invitation code, follow these steps.

During App Onboarding

  1. Download The Big Day from App Store / Google Play
  2. Open the app
  3. Click on the button "Redeem code" on the bottom left of the welcome screen.

    4. Once your code was redeemed successfully, you can immediately start collaborating

In Your Account

  1. Open The Big Day, click on the menu in the left upper corner and click on "Account"

  2. Click on the "Redeem invitation" card in the account menu 

    3. Enter the code which was shared with you and click on the "Redeem invitation" button

    4. Once your code was redeemed successfully, you can immediately start collaborating